There was a
tee shirt that said "the only things we technically enjoy is serotonin and
On the
molecular level of brain chemistry this pretty much true. It's not important
what we think we like, in the end all of our sensations of pleasure get reduced
to these two chemicals.
There was
one study on how beta-endorphins produced during pregnancy are similar to
cannabiniods like THC. After pregnancy
the level of these beta-endorphins drop off and could be behind postpartum
swallowing a pill or getting medicated is a lot easier than meditation. Though
pharmacological means the body can be flooded with chemicals that fit desired
receptors in the brain. The whole basis
for addiction is the inability to maintain any feeling of pleasure without
excessive outside stimulation. It's not only drugs but also behaviors that can
be addictive. Even when these behaviors become self destructive they still will
be repeated over and over because this is the only way that person can get that
spike of dopamine that everyone experiences as pleasure.
The neural
science behind addiction is still discovering new insights . We may never break all the secrets into what
it means to be a conscience being. That might not be an entirely bad, some
mystery life in life keeps the whole experience interesting.
The social
cost of addictions are staggering. Often seen as a symptom of a sick society
instead of a problem of sick individuals. Bob Dylan might have been right
"that everybody wants to get stoned" but it an endless debate if a
society that helps its members find a meaningful place in the community isn't
better off than a society that criminalizes addictions or places the entire
responsibility on the individual.
experiment in the prohibition of alcohol was a mixed defeat. Most people upheld
the law and didn't buy illegal alcohol or drink. Some of the family income that
didn't go to demon rum ended up fueling the economy of the roaring 20s. That
money was used for other consumer goods, or was saved in the bank and even
directly invested in stocks and bonds. The bad side was the sizeable minority
that continued to drink spent most of their money on booze supplied by
organized crime. The gangsters made so much money (estimated up to 3 billion a year in 1920 dollars) they were able to diversify
into other criminal activities and buy off entire police forces. The corruption and violence were two major
factors that changed public opinion. The prohibition was worse than the problem.
Trying to
correct the problems of addiction with prohibition never seem to successful. England
had toyed with prohibition during the Gin Craze of the first half of the
1700's. William of Orange from the Dutch royal family was then King during the
reign of William and Mary. William of
Orange bought to England two things, the Dutch banking system that established
the Bank of England and gin -which was to become the national drink. Gin is
relatively easy to make, in its simplest form it is grain alcohol, water and
the flavoring juniper berries. It does not have to be aged in a barrel like
whiskey and it doesn't take the same skill as a well crafted beer to make. When
gin was allowed to be made and sold in England without a license, the country
became awash in the stuff. There was gin everywhere and everyone could afford
Like the
crack epidemic, crime spun out of control as alcoholics try to maintain their
access to gin by thievery. The nation was scandalized as parents would starve
and abuse their children just to get money for gin.
It was
almost a full century after William of Orange promoted gin in England that the
drink was fully regulated like other distilled spirits. By then the very early
stirrings of a temperance movement was started in England that would cross over
into the American Colonies where a few of generations later Maine and Vermont
became the first dry states in the 1850s.
For the next sixty years the American Temperance movement pushed forward
an agenda that lead to the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act.
The Roaring
Twenties left its legacy. That decade moved faster than previous times. The
music was faster in the Jazz Age. Bootleggers made their stock cars faster to
outrun government agents which was the roots of the sport of stock car racing.
Even the Art Deco designs that started in the 1920's made things look even when
they were standing still.
Art is filled with stories of the dark romance of addictions. The poetry in the sting of the needle and stigmata marks of suffering and longing. The quest for satisfaction and the inevitable disappointment. This is the cycle that propels so much drama. Like in Ancient Greek myths where the hero descends to the edge of Hades, even if they should come back they don't return unchanged by the experience.
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