In one writers
group I read an unpublished story titled the Gods Of Time. It was a science
fiction story on the outside but really a philosophic examination of time. Time
is like God, an omnipresent force that gives shape to the whole universe and is
still total mystery.
Once I heard
a BBC interview / lecture with Sir Martin Rees on gravity and the search for a
possible particle that carries the force of gravity. One thing in the interview
that seemed perplexing was when he said that time as an element interfered with
his search for the graviton.
It has been long
understood how gravity and time have an inverse relationship in Einstein's Theory
of General Relativity. Time slows down in gravitational fields. The equations
in General Relativity keep on working if you were traveling greater than the
speed of light if you have either negative time of negative gravity -but not both together.
In one theory
about the crush of matter inside a black hole came the question if time still existed?
Does infinite gravity obliterate time?
The theory had the interesting conjecture that in the singularity of the black
hole everything gets crushed down to the two elemental particles of the
universe gravity and time. Both particles would be at the very smallest size
dictated by the Plank Constant. The two particles are slightly asymmetrical and
if they were physical spaces we could see, one would have 12 dimensional sides
the other 14. This initial asymmetry is what divides matter from energy and
limits super-symmetry, there are subatomic particles that do not have symmetrical
From these
two particles everything else in the universe is a fractal expression of
different combinations of the two. The free movement of single particles is what
we experience as gravity and time. When these particles link together in
strands they become the carrier particles for energy and if they form a "buckyball"
or Buckminsterfullerene shape they become matter.
In another
theory of dimensional gravity, similar to the idea of Time-Space, each graviton
is actually like a cell of space that expands or shrinks dependant on the gravitational
field it is in. That the real measure of distance in the universe is the number
cells, the size of each cell is effected by the gradational field it is in. What
we see as the vacuum of space is really a sea of free gravitons (each a
distinct and undividable space). The
speed of light in a vacuum is a photon passing a set number of gravitons per
second. When a photon is in a gravitational field that's more tightly packed
with gravitons then light bends and travels a greater distance.
Time on the
scale of human lives or how we perceive the passing of time is like a
multilevel thought experiment that has no answer because there are so many
contradictions involved. Science Fiction writers have long played with the paradoxes
of time travel. Traveling forward in time at a slower rate that the rest of the
world is possible but traveling backwards in time is still an unlikely maybe.
As another
writer I meet once said since the universe is expanding outward from the Big
Bang then time is really the location of how far out from the Big Bang we are
at any given moment. Time travel backwards is probably impossible because to
travel back in time would mean you would have to reverse the whole expansion of
the universe to get back to the location of the past. That thought doesn't eliminate
parallel universes but that a whole other idea.
So in the
expansion of the universe each of our lives take up a limited space as animated
chemicals. The atoms that make us up where always here and will go on after we no
longer conscious entities.
Suddenly I'm
in the mood to write a little Sc-fi today.
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