When I was a
kid I read a travel journey of a man visiting Europe. It was written in the
1930's and he was there to see all the sites. There was one short chapter on
his trip to Hell. Of course you think of
that Hell, the classical pit of fire and brimstone where Satan lives but
instead it was pretty little village in Norway -which today makes a great deal
of money from tourists that want to take pictures of the local road signs or
say they been to hell and back. It's a
lot like what tourist do in Intercourse Pennsylvania.
There are gravesites
over 50,000 years old where the occupant was loving buried with personal possessions.
A few of the dead were made up with a rouge of red clay to cover over the
pallor of death but since these people left no written records it's impossible
to say what their thoughts were on an afterlife. Though it's safe to assume they were loved.

Somewhere in
the human consciousness came the problem of a person's legacy living long after
they have died. A hunter gather culture is pretty much a equalitarian society
with few material possessions and where the memories of pass members faded away
in a couple of generations. With
civilization you have a growing accumulation of property and a hierarchy of administrators
to control everything.
magnified the differences between the haves and the have nots. Power and a life of luxury where available to
the ambitious which usually meant whoever was the most brutish nasty bastard
around. The common people cried out for
justice and religion accommodated them with the idea of divine justice. That sometime
after we are all dead a god will judge us all, so a righteous slave might go to
heaven and mean cruel ruler sent straight to hell. You can see where this kind of thinking is
great for social control and makes the average person hesitate before trying
kill off the local despot.
In Milton's Paradise
Lost we get some of Christianity's most enduring images of Hell. Sometimes it
is amusing to listen to some people totally confuse and mix up passages from
the epic poem and the King James Bible -both were written in that iambic pentameter
Shakespearian English.
Of all the
mythological Hells the Greeks had about the best one. It wasn't so much about
torment and torture but it was a mildly gloomy place where most souls got to contemplate
their wasted lives. Eventually that evolved into a three part underworld where
the evil were segregated out, the true heroes of life where given an island of
the blessed and the rest of us where sent to the Fields of Asphodel.

Greek ideas
had tremendous influence in the ancient world around the Mediterranean Sea and
into the modern world. One of the best
examples comes from the writings of Philo Judaeus or Philo of Alexandria. He lived at the same time as Jesus and he was
a Jewish scholar that tried to harmonize Greek and Jewish philosophy. Modern Christian teachers either avoid or
discount Philo's influence on the early church. There are at least a few who
believe Judus of Iscariot was the
symbolic representation of Philo.
The Jewish
community never really accepted the idea of an afterlife which some historians
feel was just another thing that set Jews apart from other people and made them
an easy targets for attack. One of my
friends mused that it has to be difficult to see your neighbors prosper even
though they pray to different god and don't live in fear of a heaven and hell
beyond this life. That might be too close the truth for other people to handle.
Can you imagine anything worse than living on your hands and knees all your
life and finding no reward at the end?
Accept maybe living on your hands and knees -and the only way to quite
the doubt in your mind is to kill your ungodly neighbors who are having too
much of a good time in the here and now.
Yes that
does sound like hell to me.
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