This summer I
plan to read. It use to be a regular ritual of every summer to pick a book or a
group of books in a theme. This summer might be Moby Dick. In doing some past
research I read a few chapters and like it. The book is 135 chapters long but
it's more like 135 short stories all around the theme of whaling. Being a slow
reader 2-4 short chapters a night will carry me through the whole summer.
Of course
the monster of all literary rambles is James Joyce's Ulysses. Like all of James
Joyce's works it's twisty and complicated -and at least for me easier to
understand when someone else reads it aloud than reading it myself. It's a rare
person who can honestly say they have read it from cover to cover. As luck
should have it I person know one man who has read Ulysses several times. Chris
isn't one of those overly educated culture snobs, he writes very accessible articles
for an online jazz magazine. Though he might someday teach a college level
class on the book.
Some of the
most influential events of my life came from reading. When I was fifteen I
spent some of my summer spare time reading Brave New World. Fahrenheit 451 and
1984 as a group. Each book complement each other with a distinctly different
vision of a possible dystopia.
Being so
impressed with these three authors I went on to read some of their other books.
Aldous Huxley's books would later teach me about the wide spectrum of perception.
Ray Bradbury would expand my sense of what's possible through fantasy fiction.
Most of all George Orwell would have the biggest influence on me. 1984 is Orwell's most popular book , it's one
of his most entertaining but I began to appreciate his other books more.
At the end
of 1984 is a short essay on the origins
and development of Newspeak the official language of Oceania and the English
Socialist Party (Ingsoc) . On the surface
of it, it seems like a dry little essay that sounds perfectly plausible. It was
reading in between the lines where you can see the real power of language. The written word gives every reader the
opportunity to commune with every writer and jump over the barriers of time and
space (and Orwell demonstrated how Newspeak was a way of destroying that portal of communication).
It would be
years later that I would read Orwell's three most personal books the Road To
Wigan Pier, Down And Out In London And Paris and Homage To Catalonia. The Road To Wigan Pier is maybe Orwell's most underrated
book but all three together make a powerful statement on a man who lived his
beliefs and didn't practice some armchair intellectual pontification of how the
world should be. Orwell was a lifelong socialist but also he was a razor sharp
critic of socialism's failings.
Somewhere he comes to the conclusion that every ideology is incomplete and
the biggest enemy of any political movement is itself and the extremists in its own
One summer I
was involves with the major renovation of a huge high school building in the
suburbs of New York City. I don't want
to mention the exact location but there was a hideous building made entirely of
concrete. It was a heat sink and by 10 am every morning the building was hotter
inside than it was outside. By late afternoon the temperature difference was a
good twenty degrees. At night when the streets cooled off the building radiated
heat like a warm body until well past midnight.
Because it
was a school building there was a strict deadline to get the job done on time. The contractor had workers around the clock on site. My job was involved with
contract compliance and inspections, that meant there were long hours with little to do. The only advantage of being there was the school
library. That summer I read The Grapes Of Wrath by Steinbeck, The Ground Was Our Table by Steve Allen and How To Talk Dirty And Influence People by Lenny
The Grapes
Of Wrath is a well known classic but The Ground Was Their Table by Steve Allen was
a surprise. Steve Allen was comedian and talk show host but before he became
famous he travel and labored with migrate farm workers. The book is warm and funny with a deep social
Even more
surprising was Lenny Bruce's book. Lenny
Bruce is remembered for the stand-up comedian that said "dirty words".
That's not really true. All the
comedians of that time had an after mid-night route filled with off color jokes
and all the four lettered words people regularly used -or at least wanted to
use. What got Lenny Bruce in trouble was
his willingness to make fun of powerful people. Those very same people had Lenny
Bruce arrested over and over again on obscenity charges until he was so tied up
in court he couldn't make a living.
There is an
agricultural connection with How To Talk Dirty And Influence People. In one of the chapters Lenny Bruce reminisces of when he was a young man and was taken
in by an elderly farm couple. I don't want to spoil it for you but you may
never look at farm fresh or organic eggs the same way after reading that part.
summer I spend a good portion of my free time reading Phillip K Dick novels. He's one of
the best science fiction writers of all time. In the last thirty years about a
dozen of his books have been made into movies but the average person still has
no idea who he was. Unfortunately Phillip K Dick died just before Hollywood discovered the rick body of work the
man created and it was ironic because Phillip K Dick wrote very unconventional
stories that were opposite of the Hollywood mentality. If you saw The Blade Runner, Total Recall, The
Minority Report or A Scanner Darkly then you saw some of Phillip K Dick's
stories that have been adapted for the movies.
So that
summer I read A Man In A High Castle (arguably one of the best sci-fi or mainstream
novel ever written), The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch and Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. Do Androids
Dream Of Electric Sheep was the story behind the movie The Blade Runner. The
story in the book and the movie are the same but the attitude and styles
couldn't be more divergent. One is an action adventure story, the other a very cerebral
detective story that isn't searching for a fugitive but instead tries to find
out what is the essence of the human soul.
Well so much
for light beach novels. There is no right or wrong in choosing what to read. I just personally like making an adventure of
it. Though people seem to be reading less, this maybe the golden age of
literature. So much is easily available
and so much is online or a simple download away. Like sports, a good book can be a shared experience
that opens up a world of tangents and conversations.
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