One of the
great stereotypes is the starving artist. The visionary individual that is
either way ahead of their times or yet to be discovered. The artist with a
hedonistic soul but living a monastically simple life.
stereotype isn't born out of some need of personal drama -it's purely
economics. Art is a hard world to make a living at. You have a few successful
superstars floating on a huge ocean aspiring talent.
Artist, and
maybe musician, are two of the only vocations where death is a good career
choice. Just look at Vincent Van Goth, he was unable to sell any of his paintings when he was alive -but in death he worth millions.
One local
artist who has had several promenade one man shows, travels thousands of miles
every year and owns his own gallery still lives pretty much from hand to mouth -and
he's better off than most. Without another income or the support of your
extended family it can be a desperate life.
desperate is it? In blighted neighborhoods, buildings that are unfit for human
habitation get taken over by either drug addicts or artists. Because an artist
is willing to live in such a building they might be the first positive thing
that's happened in that neighborhood for years.
Super cheap rents and even abandoned buildings to squat in attracts
these people and the Bohemian mystique is more of a justification than it is a free
will lifestyle choice.
When artists
do get established one wave of positivity promotes another. Artists have been
seen as the harbingers of gentrification like the first robins are seen as the
harbingers of spring. This isn't always
viewed as a good thing. The people in that neighborhood often only see the
artist as one more outside force that will upset their already dangerously
insecure lives. Gentrification to then means higher rents or the pressure to be
forcibly moved to another slum without ever having a chance to benefit in the
new prosperity.
One painter
named Dan living in what's call a transitional neighbor just outside the
University City section of Philadelphia told a pretty scary story how his
neighbors confronted him. They made it clear they didn't want his kind moving.
There is an
alternative to gentrification, it's the concept of neighborhood revitalization
and the parallel concept of the urban village. In the next 30 years the world
population is project to grow to over 9 billion people and more than 50% of
them will live in cities. This means cities will have to efficient and livable,
that there will be no room for slums because they represent an unacceptable
economic drag. The artist could be the new hero of future metropolises keeping
cities from becoming boring soulless landscapes of concrete.
A socially
conscious developer had approached me on
the issue of neighborhood revitalization.
His question was what sign should he look for to recognize when a
neighborhood is at that tipping point, ready to go from bad to good. Even
socially conscious investors are interested in tipping points were their money
will either bring the best returns or have the most effect.
One of those
tipping points is food. In America blighted neighborhoods are almost
universally food deserts. The definition of a food desert is easy to understand
but you have live in one to fully appreciate what it means. If the nearest
market where you can buy fresh food is over a mile away and you don't own a car
or there is no mass transit available -then that means you either carry your
food home or take a taxi. To get a couple of days of fresh food it's either
exhausting or outrageously expensive.
On a renovation
project I worked on, where a commercial
rental on the bottom floor was being remodeled, it was easier to live on site
than commute in and out of the city. There were no supermarkets, grocery stores
or anyone selling fresh food for at least 20 blocks. For two weeks we lived on fast food and deli
sandwiches. Not only did we all pack on a couple of pounds, we felt less than
Food is very
important to an artist and to some it almost a fetish. Nor every artist is a macrobiotic vegan but in general artists are one of the few groups of people
who'll get in a line to buy a 25 pound sack of brown rice.
might be the first wave of urban revitalization but you know the community is
beginning to take root when a food co-op, a vegetarian restaurant or artisan
eatery opens up to feed those starving artists.
Was talking with a friend about a plot idea where people are put into a virual world as the Beatle of their choice as a forn of psycotherapy. Recently was George Harrison's birthday and maybe my Beatle of choice to be. The next typical thing would be to
mention how old he would be, if he was still alive. Honestly though that's not
really important. People don't listen to his music and dwell on the history;
they listen and allow themselves to be transported back into time. Personal
history resists being dated and tries to stay timeless in our own minds
baby-boomer are seeing their world slip into history. Once a generation that
sang -I hope I die before I get old, is now planning to hang on until the
bitter end. It is disheartening -not that I planned to see a whole generation burnout
in a spectacular blaze of glory. Youthful rhetoric can be allowed an extra
measure of bombast and hyperbole. Maybe
my angst could be best illustrated by a party I went to. The party goers there
were once young idealists, now older and totally obsessed with their 401.k
accounts and pension plans.
being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is
a very misleading thing. All there ever is now. We can gain experience from the
past, but we can't relive it; and we can only hope for the future, but we don't
know if there is one." -George
For a long
time I never could get into George Harrison's music. In 1970 the triple album
All Things Must Pass was out and My Sweet Lord was the single on the
radio. Still the music didn't make much
of an impression. It was a time when Krishnas started mobbing the airports and
shopping malls, Jesus Freaks roamed the streets and new religious cults sprang
up like mushrooms after a cosmic rain.
The fallout
from that wave of faith was already apparent. As the old joke went "once I
was all messed up on drugs, now I'm all messed up on the Lord".
In 1976
George Harrison was sued for plagiarism because My Sweet Lord was so similar to
Ronnie Mack's song He's So Fine, a hit song for The Chiffons in 1963. George Harrison claimed the plagiarism was
subconscious and not intentional. The verdict against Harrison had big
repercussions in the music industry as a flood of similar suits were filed
-some with more merit than others. A couple of years later John Lennon settled
out of court because the owners of Chuck Berry's music claimed the song Come
Together illegally borrowed from the song Maybelline.
It was
several years later before My Sweet Lord had any meaning in my life. I was
going see a college friend in Philadelphia. His name was Kumar but it got
commonly mispronounced as Q-mars and eventually got shorten to Q.
Q was originally from Iran and studied in
America on a student visa. With about two semesters left before graduation the
Iran - Iraq War had reached its bloodiest low point and Q was sent his draft
notice. When he refused to go back a
death warrant was issued. The following six months was a frantic effort to get
him a green card. And you know it didn't come easy because the State Department
was still angry about the Islam Revolution and the embassy hostages.
Think of it
as luck, fate or the divine hand of providence but Q was spared. To celebrate
his green card and new life in America we going have dinner at a Lebanese
restaurant. Before dinner I was going to stop at a bar off of the corner of
Chestnut and Second. They had a special where you would get free drinks on your
birthday. It wasn't my birthday but I had a fake ID that said it was. I was
almost thirty years old and this was the only time I ever used a fake ID in a
It was late
in the afternoon and the commuter train into Philadelphia was near empty. In my rail car there were three or four
people going in to work for the second shift, myself and three young women singing
together. Their voices were beautiful.
We struck up
a conversation, it was playful and flirtatious. I knew they had other plans but
I told them it was my birthday and I'd gladly buy them all a drink. They almost
said yes, or maybe they were just nice and let me enjoy the fantasy. As a
birthday gift before we reached the city they sang for me, one of the songs was
My Sweet Lord.
probably a year or two later, I was thinking back on that day. It was like
light switch turning on -but within that moment George Harrison's music
suddenly made sense to me.
think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world,
"You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you
don't need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best,
and it's the part I give to you most willingly." -George Harrison
Well Happy
Belated Birthday George.
I'm sure as
my fellow baby-boomers are beginning to look over the cliff and think about the
big mystery and also look back -and think about our experiences. We are in the
here and now -but now exists in the context of a past and a future.
Thank you
for your gifts to us.
the world is a birthday cake, so take a piece but not too much"
Harrison from I, Me, Mine
Compare and contrast, the Chiffons and George Harrison
Bonus track, can you guess who sang this cover of My Sweet Lord ?
Really good
friends will stand by you, even if you should bomb on karaoke night they will
clap and cheer, though they might not ask for an encore. I usually avoid
karaoke like the plague. My singing as been described as a cross between a
syncopated Tom Waits, an atonal Bob Dylan and a collection piercing death wails
of animals in extreme pain.
I think an
event that puts my singing in perspective happened one Saturday night at the
Irish Pub in Somerdale NJ. The pub itself was an ancient structure built close
to the road and when the road was expanded out into a four lane highway over 60
years ago the pub was separated by less than 3 feet of sidewalk from Route 30.
Facing the highway were two large picture windows and at times it was difficult
to tell where the traffic ended and the bar began.
In that part
of Jersey there was a local Rugby league and after a weekend game they would
celebrate, commiserate or ruminate over it at the Irish Pub. There was a lot
drinking and the girlfriends of the players would often get into competitive
exhibitionism in front of the large picture windows. The idea was to see who
could stop the most traffic on Route 30. It was fun time and of course there
was there were the traditional Rugby songs. Those upbeat vulgar tunes that were
meant to be sung by a loud drunken chorus.
I was
feeling no pain on that Saturday night and joined right in and sang along. In
the middle of the second verse the whole bar dropped into an unnatural silence
and pretty much everybody was staring at me. After a couple seconds that felt
like forever, the Captain of the team finally said "hey man, you're making
our music sound ugly".
I was a
little indignant and wanted to ask how the hell that was possible? My friend
Tom the Collector of Everything could instinctively sense potential problems,
he turned me "here, I'll buy another drink, just sit this one out".
The peace
was kept and the Rugby team went back to their song. We all got back to the
business at hand, which was having a good time.
Do you ever
feel they don't write songs like they use to? If you listen to a collection of Top 40 hit
songs from the 1950' and 1960's most of those tunes are perky three minute
ditties. A study conducted by psychologist E Glenn Schellenburg and sociologist
Christian Von Scheve concluded that popular music since 1965 has gotten
progressively sadder and slower. More and more hit songs are now written in the
sadder sounding minor keys with lyrics that are "self-focused",
"emotionally ambiguous" with "mixed emotional cues".
It could be
just another sign that we live in the age of irony. I know too many people
suffering through what looks like a mid-life crises except they are half my age
or younger. They'll tell me how their childhood sucked, how they're not ready
for adulthood and several of them are in the middle of breaking up the
"starter marriage". The soundtrack of their lives ranges from
confessional ballads to screaming rage.
I wonder if
my pitiful and plaintive singing voice has finally found its time. In a way
that's very sad, I hate to think of entire generations that don't have a few
happy and pleasant songs to call their own. Maybe my younger friends don't see
happiness as right. They see it as small nuggets that are found after sifting
through a mountain crap. That happiness and sincerity have become things they
both mock and long for. It's troubling to think that sadness is so prevalent that becomes the only authentic sound.
After some very limited research I found these are a few of the songs in my friend's music files.
Here's one song that could be the anthem of the minor key.
The Butthole Suffers have been around for over 25 years but are still going strong just beyond the reach of commercial mega success.
Eilen Jewell is one of those performers that may never get her day in the spotlight but her music is tight.
I never really followed the Grammys, it always seemed the wrong be people got the big awards. Kimbra won for Best Pop Duo for her song with Gotye, Somebody That I Use To Know. That song is okay but some of her solo stuff is so much more interesting, though none of it light and bubbly.
The forecast
for this summer is hot weather and higher gas prices. The worldwide demand for
oil is out pacing the production. The United States still the home of the
automobile but rest of planet is catching up. As emerging economies in China,
India, Brazil and Africa grow they want everything that the developed world
The world
market of oil is a triumph of capitalism and globalization. Because of the
North Sea oil fields a nation like Norway is energy self sufficient but the
price of energy is about the same as it is in the rest of Europe or North
America. In Norway oil, diesel fuel and gasoline are marketed for profit and
not socialistically subsidized.
So what's a
person to do? The most effective way to bring down oil prices and maybe even
slow down global climate change is to use energy more efficiently. Maybe spend one day a week without driving,
car pool with neighbors and friends or even start to change our ideas about
what a car should be.
is developing the XL-1 and car that potentially gets 250 miles per gallon. Yes
it is small but it's no smaller than sports car. It takes time to go from zero
to 60 mph but so does my work van, it's not that difficult planning out an
extra a couple of extra seconds to merge.
Small cars have always been part of the America Car Culture and conserving fuel was even patriotic.
What worries
me is XL-1 will not be imported into the Unites States. Right now there are
about a dozen high efficiency automobiles that you can not bring into the
Even the
Toyota Prius sold in North America is not the same car they sell in Japan. In
Japan if you drive less than 30 miles a day, you can run your Prius strictly as
an electric car and not burn a drop of gasoline. There is an aftermarket conversion kit so the Prius can be driven as an electric car but installing
voids the manufacturer's warrantee. This was part of deal Toyota made with GM,
General Motors owns about 30% of Toyota's stock.
Part of the high price of gasoline is political. The way roads and towns are designed, which automobiles are for sale and even the unavailability of mass transit that could compete with automobiles is all influenced by politics.... and all these things boost the profits of oil companies.
I feel lucky
that the snow storm that blanketed the Mid-West will only bring a few flurries
and lots rain for the weekend. In between the cold of winter and that first
perfect week of spring weather is the 5th season of the year -the season of
mud. It's at least six weeks of cold and dampness under battleship gray skies.
Right now I
would be happy to travel to any place warm. My friend Harrison has been talking
about buying a travel trailer and hitting the open road. Harrison is in that
awkward place in life where he's a middle aged man with a crappy job and no
attachments. For him there's no downside in taking up the gypsy life.
Like any
good friend, Harrison has already invited me along for at least an extended
road trip. Unlike Harrison I'm totally bogged down with the responsibilities of
home and family. My wife is pretty cool and rarely says no to me but I can
already imagine the one eyed squint of disapproval she would have.
To bolster
his point Harrison quotes his favorite film - Animal House. In the second half of the film when Delta
House plans revenge on the college administration, Otter (Tim Matheson) responds
to Bluto's (John Belushi) famous and rousing speech. You know, the one were Bluto
asks what would have happened if America quit when the Germans bombed Pearl
Bluto's right. Psychotic but right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could
fight them with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions
of lives. Oh no. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think that
this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done
on somebody's part.
Bluto: And
were just the guys to do it.
Life needs
the stupid and futile gesture to keep it interesting. Art and history seldom
misses an opportunity to memorize such gestures. One such event was a cavalry
attack in the Battle of Balaclava, though most people remember it better from
the poem, The Charge of The Light
Brigade. It all started over some badly worded orders where the cavalry was
suppose to go and retrieve a battery of cannons the Russians were ready to
abandon. Instead Lord Cardigan launches a full frontal assault on the whole
Russian army. The battle becomes the stuff of legends and Tennyson writes one
of the most renowned poems in the English language.
adventure implies some risk. Harrison is ready to go. He's been reading the for
sale ads for an affordable trailer and Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid
Test for inspiration. It's wryly funny
because Harrison doesn't like Hippies or psychedelic drugs but he's enamored
with that romantic idea that life should be a risky undertaking every so
If you never
read the book, it's about Ken Kesey (wrote One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest) and
The Merry Pranksters. They drove around California in a bus named Further, had
outrageous LSD parties with local folks and the Grateful Dead all before the
legislators in Sacramento made hallucinogenic drugs illegal.
finds another quote to share, this time from the book - "Everybody,
everybody everywhere, has his own movie going, his own scenario, and everybody
is acting his movie out like mad, only most people don't know that is what
they're trapped by, their own little script" -Thomas Wolfe.
That might
be true, currently I'm playing the role of an aging Ward Clever with two sons
in college. Harrison has a copy of the Penny Pincher and is pointing to a
picture of a small pull along trailer for sale. He wants go somewhere, next
year's Burning Man Festival or Route 127 yard sale.
The yard
sale thing sounds interesting. It goes from Ohio through Kentucky and Tennessee
to end in Georgia. Maybe I'll go, that's held in the summer when it warm and I
have few months to float the idea to my wife.
finds another quote from the book and with dead on seriousness says to me -
"either you're on the bus or off the bus".
As a post note Harrison found a news article where Ken Kesey's old bus is in the early states of restoration
So someday the old bus will be in the Smithsonian -with the paint lovingly restored and all cleaned up.... maybe cleaner than it ever was in the past.
The border line between history and myth is fuzzy one that becomes more blurred in passing years. Our memoriessoften and we say "oh what a time that was". It's not just restlessness that call us to the open road but also a need to have a story or two in the future to tell and embellish. That's way the tales of Ulysses stay classic, either in a galley ship to Troy or in a bus on the roads of California -it remains the same journey of discovery.
A couple of
days ago I was listening to a man talk about how he's afraid that he might lose
his house. You would think he was another victim of the housing bubble but his
investment of choice was gold.
The market
price of gold has been slowly declining for the last few months. Even in India,
a traditional importer of gold, the demand is down. Gold like any other
commodity is tied to the laws of supply and demand.
As the world
economy has slowly improved, traders in gold have started to cash in and
reinvest. I wonder what Ron Paul do if gold returns to $500 an ounce?
difficult not to think of gold as money and just see it as another commodity
metal like scrap steel. In a way our world would be crippled without steel as
if all of the gold in the world disappeared tomorrow it be a mere bump in the
road. Gold does not have many practical uses. In industry gold plating resists
corrosion, there are specialty electronics that use gold wires and components, dental
work and jewelry -that's about it.
represents concentrated value partially because of its rarity. In total steel
is more valuable than gold but gold is still more valuable by the ounce.
Part of
gold's value is emotional and historical. Gold might have been the first metal
people discovered. As other metals are found in ores, gold does not combines
easily with other elements, so it's possible to fine nuggets of pure gold. The
metal is soft and easy to work, it's so soft two pieces of pure gold can be
hammered into each other to form one piece. It can also be hammered flat into a
foil only a few atoms thick and used as gold leaf. 30 grams of gold can be made
into sheet of leaf that covers over 9 square meters. Gold is so malleable you
can think of it as the silly puddy of metals.
Being shiny
bright and yellow only added to gold's appeal. Over 6,000 years ago some of the
first decorations and jewelry were made with gold. In a world where few things
were bright and shiny, gold was probably a high value commodity to show off a
person's status. It easy to see who is king when they wear a golden crown.
At least
5,000 years ago gold was used as money. The gold was traded by weight and gold
was even counterfeited when cheaper metals were melted into the gold ingots. Probably
by accident someone discovered that you can assess the purity of a gold by
scraping the object across certain types of fine grain flinty stones. The color
of adulterated gold dust on the stone will be lighter and paler compared to
pure gold. This became known as a touchstone. Touchstones where used in the
Indus Valley of India as far back as 3500 BCE.
It wasn't
until 500 BCE gold coins appeared in Turkey. Gold, silver and bronze could then
be traded in pre-measured amounts, the idea of currency took off. A person could
make a purchase by counting out a few coins instead of having to get a scale
and weighing it. In about a century the whole Middle East and Mediterranean
basin where using coins. Kings like coins because they could names and faces on
them. The Roman Empire used coinage as propaganda as well as trade.
The fellow
who was losing his house was seduced into buying gold because of the fear of
future inflation and the possible devaluation of paper money. It was a hard
lesson to find out even gold fluctuates the same as fiat currency.
Not much of
an economist myself I asked a friend back in New Jersey why the world moved
away from the Gold Standard. Part of the reason was to give governments greater
control over their currencies. The greater control meant that governments could
step inand intervene during economic
downturn. Economic recessions and depressions were much deeper and hard hitting
when the United Sates was on the gold standard.
stops the United States from going back on the gold standard but it would be
like parking our cars and using horses for transportation. If the oil industry
should also collapse then having a horse is a smart move; the horse is simple,
eats grass and doesn't need the complex infrastructure an automobile needs -but
you can't operate a modern society on horses. Like the horse using gold as
money is simple but it's also a step backwards where a lot of modern financing
would be impossible. If we go back to using gold then shotguns and canned goods
might be the best investment of all.
Maybe the Aztecs
said it best of all, their word for gold translates as "excrement of the
A small tale on the value of gold.
This clip is a little difficult to explain, part of it is a late night TV movie host and thew movie he's trying to explain is Americathon. Made in 1979 the movie is about a bankrupt America in 1998. It's funny and campy -and it's like a political Rorschach Test.