On college radio this record was often played in the last half hour of New Eve leading up to the count down to midnight. The story is about Mark the lone astronaut in the spaceship Pegasus that left Earth in 1979 and returns New Year's Eve 1999.
So could you imagine yourself as an astronaut leaving Earth for 20 years? It's similar to Washington Irving's story of Rip Van Winkle. The world is going to change with or without us, we are all involuntary travelers through time. To everybody younger than myself, I am from an exotic foreign land -the past.
I can be poetically nostalgic but if I'm pushed into honesty I have to say the past was good but the present is better. Every generation makes its own mistakes and I could be critical of how kids today are too dependent on what's become the electronic umbilical cord -but overall this generation gives me hope. Of course it's fun playing on the gullibilities of people half my age too.
The Ford Model T was such an advantage to over owning a horse that people in 1908 were willing to pay or borrow a year's wages to own one.
The next wave of world changing technologies will probably be in boosting the efficiency of food and energy management. As the world population reaches 9 billion something as mundane as going from the standard light bulb to a compact florescent and the to an LED bulb could mean the difference between shortages or abundance. The next generation of batteries could make the internal combustion engine obsolete and solar energy less expensive than power through the current electrical grid. World food production could be increased by a third if waste and spoilage could be reduced by half. If that happened 9 Billion people could be fed without a single acre of new cropland.

I like to put myself in the mindset of Mark the Astronaut, where I'm waking up to a world of wonder. Maybe we will have Zepliners ( lighter than air RVs) to float around. I could go for a North American Village Movement.
As computers have made the world more inter-connected through social media, the average person has a great access to the world and all it's knowledge. The Arab Spring could have never happened without the power of mass communication -before the internet most Arab countries regulated typewriters and copier machines to stop the spread of unofficial information. The next movement in social media might be the return of the real contact. Instead of looking for a second life people will spend a little more time with their first one. That's the kind of nostalgia worth indulging in, not some melancholy pining things lost but an attempt to preserve what still works.
Heaven on Earth may never be within our grasp but I think a better a future is out there. And that's where I hope to see you all... in the future.
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