Once again I was among The Free Tribes of Granola Grazers. Don't get me wrong, they're all nice people but how many different ways can a person use words like "enlightened, empathetic or holistic" in a single conversation? I am so glad this is not a drinking a game. This time in between the politics of free trade coffee the subject of the Mayan calendar and might happen next came up.
Coming up soon, December 21st., is either the next Harmonic Convergence or the end of the world. I'm kind of confused which is which or even if I should care. The last harmonic convergence was like in 1987 when the planets were aliened up in a row and supposedly Earth was going to be torn apart by the combined gravity or some other similar nonsense. This time its all about 13 cycles of heaven and 7 cycles of hell; and I'm now invited to two meditation circles -oh wait one of those nights conflicts with my plans to watch Merry Christmas Charlie Brown on TV.
So the Mayan calendar ends on December 21st 2012 and some people think it's the end of days. Really the Mayans of 500 years ago probably thought there was no big rush to set up another millennia length timetable. What I'm in awe of is the Mayan calendar said it ends on the solstice of what we call 2012 and that's exactly what it does. Both the Mayans and the Aztecs had spot on accurate calendars without the aid of telescopes or instruments. Their calendar is a testimony to the powers of patience, observation and mathematics -and it is actually more accurate (though less convenient) than the calendar we use today.
But then again maybe the gods are dyslexic and we have nothing to worry about until 2021. I can relate to that being dyslexic myself. Once I was a symposium on dyslexia and told this very attractive woman how difficult it was growning up with the condition. "It was depressing -so depressing I once tried to kill myself by jumping behind a bus". The woman, with deep heartfelt compassion, hugged me and said she felt my pain. It took a good twenty seconds before she realized exactly what I said.
You know what's the most confusing thing for a dyslexic? When somebody declares it "opposite day".
All this talk of the end of the world makes as much sense as the ghost of Fredrick Douglas coming back to judge the living and the dead. Maybe we need to believe the end of the world might come on one special day just to get us to focus on the hear and now of our lives. In truth all we have is now but it's easy to lose sight of it and let it slip away -let our days become a collection of uneventful moments and lost opportunities. So seize the day -seize every moment ...and just in case I've postdated all my out going checks for December 22nd or later.

If the world should end this December 21st then this is the song I will be listening to. Thank you John Gorka. By the way if you survive to December 22nd please feel free to contact me and tell me how the new future looks to you.
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