I wanted to start off the blog this year writing about one of several people I know that could be described as artistically motivated. It's disheartening to notice how many people are only motivated by money, fear and anger. It's barely a step up if you include religion and politics. I don't want to indulge in some kind of chauvinism by claiming artists are a better class of people. Half the artist I've known couldn't balance a check book or they had the emotional stability of nitroglycerin but if you asked them about the big philosophical questions in live -they kind of had an answer. As all the rest of my friends and acquaintances usually responded with some version of how to hell do I know.
Tom is an exceptional person, he has seven kids, he is now a widower and for years worked as a delivery truck driver -though he has supplemented his income as an illustrator and trader of comic books. His comic book collection alone is over 100,000 issues. That's a staggering number. To give you an idea how big that is, at one time Tom had them stored at his parents house in his old childhood bedroom. His parents asked Tom to remove the comic books because the weight if them was beginning to structurally compromise the house. He has built this collection on almost a zero budget. People in the industry know Tom and several times has been on local TV in the Philadelphia market to talk about comic books.

Now there are a bunch of titles from the 1930's to the early 1960's that are not really comic books nor are they traditional magazines. They were usually marketed for children and young teens. The articles weren't always meant for passive reading but instead were directions to fun activities.
Boy's Life is one of those activity publications and it was able to stay in print because it's the monthly magazine of the Boy Scouts of America. But there were other youth organization other than the scouts. One of those organizations that I'm aware of is Pioneer Girls though that has evolved into Pioneer Clubs for both boys and girls. The Pioneer Girls was very popular 50 years ago in just about any rural town with a Baptist Church.

Now where ever money and fame cross paths it seems the worse of human nature come out. The most famous and profitable comic book character after Micky Mouse is Superman. The story of how Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were "negotiated" into selling their rights to Superman for $130, it was probably the most one-sided deal since the Dutch bought Manhattan.

And what's the common thread? -Joe Shuster. Though his name is not on any of the art work experts today say that all of the illustrations have his style and the characters in Nights of Horror look very similar to Lois Lane and Clark Kent.
More times than not people throw out old pornography than try to resell it. Check your neighbor's trash -but as Tom would say never judge, there could gold in that vintage smut. Today most people don't realize how much of a connection there was between pornography and the first comic book companies but that's another story for later.
A young Steven King was in the attic of his family home. In a box he found his father's collection of Weird Tales. Steven King says this was the beginning of his interest in both horror stories and writing. Weird Tales is the all time classic publication of fantasy fiction. The majority of H P Lovecraft's short stories were first printed in Weird Tales. The magazine is still around with an on-line presence but the original copies from the pre-war years are part of every collector's dreams

Tom had said that Weird Fantasy and other lesser know titles are picking up popularity by collectors rediscovering what made comic books so much fun back then.
Like Nights of Horror, any pre-war issues of Weird Tales, Weird Fantasy is also on Tom's list.
I remember these comics from my childhood. I grew up in New Jersey and if you weren't racing in the streets as described in a dozen or so Bruce Springsteen songs there was always the race track in Wall Township, the Englishtown dragstrip or Atco speedway.
If Tom was picking comic books like penny stocks, he would say this another quickly appreciating dark horse in the pulp world. You have all those old Hot Rodders now slowly cruising in left lane of life with their turn signal stuck on. They're getting nostalgic for the days when gasoline was 32 cents a gallon and big V-8 was the only engine worth driving. It's one reason why the retro Camero and Mustang are back. It's totally impractical but nothing is more seductive than 400 plus horsepower under the hood.

Northstar was the first openly gay superhero some twenty years ago. His sales as a stand alone character plummeted and his sexual orientation was never mentioned again until recently. As Tom would say glitches like that make ordinary characters real collector's items.
The last on Tom's top ten search list is The 99. The comic book is a very American art form but other cultures have embraced it and made it their own. Most notably is the Japanese. The 99 is partly a conventional superhero comic book with Islamic concepts. The characters are a group of teenagers and each has one of the attributes of Allah which turns them into superheros.

So may 2013 be a happy and fruitful year for you. If your like Tom the Collector of Everything, hopefully you'll find everything you're looking for.