Thursday, October 11, 2012

Trust me

"Trust me". How often do you get to hear that? Usually I start looking for the exit when somebody says those two magic words.

Tonight will be the Vice Presidential debates and I'm sure that there will be plenty things said -that to quote the Ramones will leave "my brain hanging upside down". That line is from their song Bonzo Goes To Bitzberg, commemorating when President Reagan placed a wreath at a German military cemetery that included about 50 Waffen-SS graves. Then Reagan gave a rambling speech on how these soldiers were the "victims of Nazism". There's still a lot of people who love Reagan and refuse to believe this happen back 1985.   

As election day approaches it will be interesting to see what values most Americans will be thinking of when they vote.

I would like to post more than this but I'm feeling pretty sick today and I have a full work load to handle (no sick days for me). For all the Americans who read this blog, don't forget to vote. The future really does depend on what we do now.


  1. When Reagan admonished the Russians to tear down that wall,he did'nt mention the fact that the wall he was building would replace it.

  2. No he didn't. In a way it was an exchange of one set of limitations over another, instead of a dictatorship by government it becomes a dictatorship by economics. Supposedly Reagan helped get government off people's backs but power abhors an unfettered citizen -the large corporations of the world can once jump on and ride us like a rented mule and not be challenged by the laws or institutions of a popularly elected government.
